
It is never too early to start planning for transfer. In fact, 我们建议学生在第一学期学习时与转学顾问会面, if they are planning on transferring to a four-year college or university. 虽然有些学生在哈德逊山谷社区学院开始他们的教育时已经有了明确的转学计划, 其他人可能不那么确定. No matter where you fall in this continuum, 职业和转学中心可以帮助你实现你的长期教育目标.

Transfer planning involves a series of steps, 转学顾问可以帮助你顺利完成这个过程. 下面是一些你可以遵循的成功转到四年制大学的指导方针.


即使是最独立的学生也可以从与转学顾问会面中受益,在转学过程的各个阶段获得帮助. You can meet with one of our professional staff, one-on-one, during a scheduled appointment to address any of your transfer needs. Students are also seen on a walk-in basis, pending the availability of a counselor, to answer quick questions related to transfer. To schedule an appointment, stop by the office or contact us by phone.


成功的转学计划的第一步是确定你的职业目标, since transfer planning is inherently tied into career planning. If you are undecided about a career path, 我们建议你立即开始自我评估/职业探索过程. You can do this independently 或者在咨询师的帮助下. For additional career information and services, students are advised to visit the 职业和转学中心.


Deciding on a major is easier, once you have determined your career goals. However, you will need to consider two questions:

  1. 在这所四年制大学里,什么专业适合为我选择的职业道路做准备?
  2. 相应的哈德逊山谷专业是什么,可以最大限度地将学分转移到所选择的四年制课程中?


For example: a student who wants to pursue a bachelor degree in accounting. One might assume that the Hudson Valley's Accounting A.A.S. program would be the appropriate major. However, in most cases, it is our Business 政府 A.S. 那将是最好的选择, since this program is specifically designed for transfer purposes. In general, graduating with this degree will assure junior status at a four-year college, regardless of the desired business emphasis (e.g., accounting, marketing, management, or finance). 相比之下,我们的会计A.A.S. 该课程主要面向在会计领域寻求入门级职位的学生.


Once you have selected the appropriate major, 您可以通过适当的课程选择进一步最大化学分转移. 哈德逊山谷社区学院 has many formal 清晰度的协议 四年制大学, 这些协议通常详细说明了最佳转学的具体课程建议(特别是选修课的使用). In the absence of such formal agreements, 课程的选择最好通过咨询你所选择的四年制大学来决定. Check with a transfer counselor in our office for advisement in this area.

Transfer and General Education Requirements

几乎所有的学院和大学都有所有学生必须完成的预定课程, in addition to their selected degree program requirements. 这些课程通常被称为通识教育或文科要求, and typically include courses in areas such as math, science, 人文社会科学.

在2000年秋天, 纽约州立大学为纽约州立大学系统内的所有学院和大学制定了普遍的通识教育要求. Courses meeting the SUNY General Education requirements are identified in the 大学目录.

我们鼓励计划转到私立或州外公立学院或大学的学生来见我们, 就像我们对其他学校在满足通识教育要求方面有指导方针一样.


选择转学学院/大学需要你将自己的目标和偏好与特定学院的特点进行比较. Students often don’t know how to begin the selection process. 请记住,仅仅因为一所学校被普遍认为是“好”并不意味着它一定对你有好处.

在研究四年制大学时, 你首先需要确定一所学校是否提供你想要的学习项目. Other factors to consider in the selection process include location, cost, size, 认证评估, 教师/学生比, 地理区域(i).e., urban, suburban or rural), housing, etc. There are numerous resources available.


To assist students with researching transfer opportunities, 职业和转学中心拥有一个广泛的大学目录图书馆, 录像和参考书. You can visit the office and utilize these resources independently, 或者在咨询师的帮助下.

也有许多在线资源可以帮助你在转移计划的过程中. Below is a list of links to external sites that we think are most helpful.


Once you have investigated transfer colleges suitable for your desired major, 尽快缩小你的选择范围以获得最佳的转会计划是很重要的. 如上所述, 你在哈德逊河谷的课程选择可能会根据每个转学机构的具体要求而有所不同. 一般来说,建议将你的选择范围缩小到三到五所学校. 虽然一到两所大学可能是你的理想选择,但重要的是要有一个后备计划. 在你的选择上要切合实际,尤其是在成本和GPA要求方面. Obviously, the higher your GPA is at Hudson Valley, the more choices you will have in transfer colleges.

If possible, visit the campus of any college you are seriously considering, 和学生交谈, faculty, 招生顾问. Try to decide if you would be happy in this environment. Also, 通过查看我们的网站,了解您感兴趣的大学的招生代表是否计划访问我们的校园 事件日历. If so, plan to attend these scheduled visits.


It is not necessary to complete your associate degree before you transfer, but in most cases it is beneficial to do so. 这条规则的例外是那些完成学位会导致大量损失转学分的情况. Otherwise, there are many advantages to completing your associate degree, 转移前, 包括以下内容:

  • 节省学费
  • 结束感和成就感
  • 免除纽约州立大学申请费(可免费申请最多七所纽约州立大学学院)
  • 纽约州立大学A级转学保证计划.A. and A.S. degrees
  • 一些大学会对成绩为A的学生免除通识教育要求.A. or A.S. degree
  • 对完成副学士学位的学生的高中成绩和/或SAT分数的重视程度较低


你已经做了所有必要的计划,现在是时候申请你选择的转学学院了. Generally, the time to apply is the semester before you plan to transfer, although you may need to apply earlier in some cases. Since application deadlines can vary, it is important to plan ahead. In addition to completing applications, you will need to send copies of your transcripts and, in some cases, 推荐信.


许多四年制学院和大学的申请可以在职业和转学中心找到. These include the general SUNY application, 大多数本地私立大学, and many other colleges in and out of the state. 我们也有参考书,上面有美国各学院和大学的地址和电话号码.

Most four-year schools encourage students to apply online. 请点击下面的链接,在线申请你所选择的大学.


Deadlines for applications can vary, so make sure you inquire early.

您需要将哈德逊山谷社区学院成绩单的正式副本发送到您申请的每个学院/大学. 正式成绩单要求必须以书面形式提出,并通过注册办公室处理. 点击这里了解更多信息.

CEEB Codes
四年制大学申请通常要求以前就读学校的CEEB代码. The CEEB Code for 哈德逊山谷社区学院 is 2300.

其他CEEB代码,请使用 CEEB代码定位器.

有些学院/大学需要申请者的推荐信. It is usually best to obtain these from a few of your instructors, 了解你的教练或顾问. 记住这一点, while most faculty would be glad to assist you in this process, 他们的日程安排很忙. 所以,不要等到最后一刻! 从你提出申请的时间起,至少需要两周的时间才能收到推荐信.

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Regular Hours: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
夏季2024小时(5月20日至7月26日): 周一至周四,上午8点.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed